About Us


Our inspiration for this website was a very common struggle that we shared, especially with climate change and today’s environmental issues. Recently, it has become difficult to choose the appropriate clothing because of how much the weather is fluctuating from warm to chilly. To solve this issue, we built a website that provides users with the best outfit recommendations no matter the day! Based on the weather in your location, Weather Wardrobe will provide you with suggestions on what to wear for every occasion.

How it Works

The website has a navigation bar with a “Home” page, a “Find Outfit Of the Day Inspiration” or “Find OOTD Inspo” page, “Your Profile” Page, and an “About” page. The home page includes a carousel or slideshow to showcase images for various days and their corresponding outfits as well as preferences for a sample user. The “Find OOTD Inspo” page asks users to input their location and then displays the weather and temperature statistics for that area. Afterwards, users are prompted to take a quiz on their style preferences and the website will display a sample outfit for them to wear! The “Your Profile” Page includes previous outfits the user has worn to avoid repeats and to save personal favorites. Finally, the “About” page includes instructions and more information about the website.

Future Plans

In the future, we plan to continue expanding our product and adding additional features such as allowing users to share their outfits with each other and add comments or likes. This will make the website more interactive and fun!

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